Attorneys in a Social Security claim get paid only if they win the case for you. That is called a contingency fee arrangement, similar to what we have throughout the State of Florida for example, in automobile accidents, medical malpractice cases, and so forth.
The amount of the fee is 25% of back benefits, Nothing of future benefits, only back benefits up to $6,000. That is the ordinary fee that’s charged in any type of social security case, which means that, even if the attorney obtains for you, three, four years of back benefits, which might be 30, 40, 50 thousand dollars, his/her fee will still be a maximum of $6,000.
It is against the law for an attorney to charge a fee other than pursuant to a retainer agreement, and in accordance with Social Security Law. It would cost him his licence. You will never have to pay money for an attorney in advance. Social Security will withhold the attorney’s fee and ordinarily will send it to the lawyer with notice to you, the claimant.
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