At the Social Security disability hearing, it doesn’t make a difference if it’s SSDI, which is the kind of disability that you’ve paid into the system for, or if it’s SSI, which is welfare, you and your attorney, if you have one, will present your case to the judge. The judge will be in the courtroom, a vocational expert almost always will be in the courtroom, so that the judge can ask the vocational expert a hypothetical question. The hypothetical question will sound something like this. “Assume a 50 year old claimant who, because of back problems, can only sit for ten minutes, can only stand for ten minutes, can only lift ten pounds, who does not have full use of his arms, who walks with a cane. Are there jobs in the national economy for that hypothetical individual?” Of course, what we want is the vocational expert, who is a job placement specialist, to say there are no jobs. Because if there are no jobs, then you probably will be found to be disabled.
Also, sometimes there are issues as to whether or not you are medically disabled. If you’re medically disabled, often there’s going to be a physician who is present or attends by phone, who will render an opinion as to disability.
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