Social security hearings are held at the social security offices. They have offices in Broward County, here in South Florida in Miami,-Dade County downtown not that far from the court house. They sometimes will even hold hearings in Monroe County, which are the keys, but most often individuals who live in the keys have to come up to Miami to have a hearing. The hearing physically is conducted in a rather long room where the judge sits on one side and the claimant-you, and your attorney, if you have one, sit on the other side,. On the sides of table you will have your vocational expert, who will testify as to whether or not there are jobs in the economy and very often you will have a physician as well. Sometimes the judge isn’t going to be in the courtroom. He will appear by video, which is absolutely fine.
You get some very nice judges from outside the State of Florida who hear your cases, hopefully liberal judges.
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