Once you’ve been turned down on re-consideration, which is the second level of appeal, then you would make an application to go in front of a judge, who conducts what’s called a de novo hearing, meaning he doesn’t, at least theoretically, care what Social Security has decided previously, he’s going to make a brand new determination based on the evidence received at the hearing.
You have sixty days to appeal from reconsideration to get in front of a judge and get a hearing date. Once you’ve made that application, you’re going to have to sit and wait a year and a half in the state of Florida to get your hearing. Now if the question was what are you supposed to do to survive after you’ve made your application, knowing that you’re disabled, knowing that you can’t work but Social Security hasn’t accepted it, I don’t have a really good answer. It’s a socio-economic issue that the legislature has to deal with. They have either give us more judges or somehow streamline the process and it’s a major problem for every applicant for social security disability.
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