If you’re going to be collecting SSI disability benefits, (SSI is the welfare kind, which is not based on contributions you’ve made into the system), you’re going to get $733 per month, plus Medicaid. That $733 may be reduced if someone is assisting you in some way, by paying your living expenses or your food expenses. For an SSDI claimant who is found to be disabled, that is, one who has paid into the system, the amount that they will get each month is dependent on what they’ve put into the system. If they have earned a lot of income, they’re going to be at or near the maximum social security payment, which is approximately $2,600. If they have paid less into the system, they’re going to get less. Therefore, if they’ve been making $25,000 a year, they might be getting $1,200 a month. If they’ve been making $100,000 a year, they might be getting $2,500 or $2,600 a month.
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